
Fighting Apathy w/ Van Gogh

Fighting Apathy w/ Van Gogh

& isn’t the life of Van Gogh? The fight against apathy.

today — Mercury is retrograde in Virgo while Virgo season begins. Uncertainty and stillness set in.

Once the dreaminess of travel goes. How do I keep the frequency i existed in until I can return?

I go back to art, memories, and Van Gogh’s Museum. We actually were able to secure last minute tickets and for a while I was unsure it was real. With my masterful googling I was able to secure affordably discounted tickets via Thrillophelia. 3 tickets when others were being returned and told that the museum was booked for weeks out. We scanned right through! Which has me impressed 😌 I ordered them the morning or afternoon before and after a few hours got my confirmation and tickets.

Art — keeps us alive. It’s what conjures memory, creates new possibilities, and records what is and has been. It is disturbing — the lives we live — so many emotions and realities in a life.

Apathy is to me the most dangerous. Van Gogh made multiple paintings feeling the most alive when creating and capturing. Often times painting on both sides of canvas since it was so expensive.

When not creating there was a questioning, a doubting, a searching, and severe depression.

Often times it is difficult to be in a world that devalues art. The art of living, being, and living to create. To not starve without benefactors like Van Gogh had with his brother, to not feel burdensome when painting a journey, a living, a path that has no image until it is met with multiple maddening, intentional and intense brushstrokes.

At times when there is limited color and muses cannot be afforded how do we keep painting, keep coloring in between the grays of life. Regardless of the types of hardships or frustrations. How do we bask in stillness in a way that fills us with gratitude?

In the end we were asked for a message of gratitude for those who saw this limited time exhibit separate from the floors and floors of artwork. Gratitude for those gone, present, or lost along the way. Celebrating whatever time we communed. A way of remembering and combatting apathy and garnering empathy.

The Pisces Super Blue Moon

The Pisces Super Blue Moon

