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The Y in Poetry

Let’s talk about poetry — Living poets and their happenings of poetry as a lifestyle. The why behind the poem, the poet and so much more.


Found almost anywhere you listen to your podcasts.

1st episode with Sol Rios


We discuss the unfurling of craft and self in poetry. Liberation. Becoming unapologetic in our lives and our work. So many notes taken and such a beautiful discussion. Taking up space in body and words.

Sol Rios is a self-published poet living in Rockville, Maryland with her two cats Soni and Snow. She is the Author and Cover Illustrator of Ghost of my Ghosts (2023).

She often splits her time between chess, submission grappling, making music, rock climbing and making art across various mediums. She currently spends her time developing and refining a new approach to skill acquisition in writing poetry through the Constraints-Led Approach.

Home | Sol Rios (bigcartel.com)

Ghost Of My Ghosts: Poems on Amazon https://a.co/d/6U06oB2


Instagram: @arcanumb_

Tumblr: @arcanumb

Find Sol's book: https://a.co/d/8bvPjOT


2nd Episode Asela Lee Kemper


We discuss the Power of Poetry, Low Res MFA in poetry, the unhinged nature of poets and anime.

"Give Poets their Flowers now...Poetry is alive"

Here are all the links for you to find Asela and her work:

Finally: The Mixtape -


Cherry Blossom Festival -


My PayPal -


My writing workshop for Abode Press -


Podcast with kattrina m: 2 ‘n’ Sync -


And also the YouTube channel that does battle against different characters (the one I told you about):


(Just a heads up: they do get violent when they show the fight scene.)

Their takes on Superman vs. Goku:




Their take on Kirby vs. Majin Buu:


And finally their take on Mario vs. Sonic:



3rd Episode with Rasha


This is the conversation that keeps gifting for me. A call and response, a communal conversation about craft, the responsiblility of writers, is there a speaker and the writer, the unfortunate inheritance of colonial displacement, my own views and desires for this series.  Kinship amongst those who imagine liberation and intention in life and words.

Free Palestine until its is backwards. Palestine is Free. All of Rasha's links 

- That Nation Talk: https://westbranch.blogs.bucknell.edu/rasha-abdulhadi-that-nation-talk/01/2024/

- Poetry Ireland issue with "They Talk to Me About Palestine" (poem proof attached, not otherwise online): https://www.poetryireland.ie/publications/poetry-ireland-review/back-issues/poetry-ireland-review-141

- My first chapbook, which is out of print, is free online: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VkeMZjonb0geoh0UyD6F0JU8ePAxrp0C/view?usp=sharing

- I suppose my publisher would appreciate me listing my 2021 chapbook: https://www.neonhemlock.com/chapbooks-zines/who-is-owed-springtime-by-rasha-abdulhadi

- If folks want to hear me talk more about Palestine, I recommend this unfortunately still-relevant episode of Death Panel from October 16, 2023:

Refusing Genocide, A transcript & show notes, along with a recording, are all at this link: http://deathpanel.net/transcripts/refusing-genocide-palestine